New stuff!!
Alex- Alex started saying "da-da" a couple days ago and says it very clearly! and although he has been very challenging lately... we had a pretty good day today =) he is getting so big! we don't know how long he is but we weighed him tonight and he weighed just under 18lbs... noah only weighs about 23lbs so it looks like this little chunker is catching up quick!!!!!
Noah- Noah is just getting over a head cold but has been in pretty good spirits about it! he's also doing great verbally.. he has some words that don't sound anything like what he is asking for.. but the words he has been using for a while are getting more and more clear. lately he has been really excited about trains! or "choo-choo's" as he calls them. today after his nap he climed in my bed where alex was laying and he snuggled him and gave him kissies..... i figured it would be safe to move some laundry over.. so i went and did that and i hear alex start to fuss so i went back in to my room and all i can see is noah holding his finger up to his mouth saying "shhhh" "shhhh"... so i head over to the bed and i notice noah had put zach's hat on alex's head..... he's so silly.
Brayden- brayden has been doing pretty good! he missed some school last week because of his head cold.. but he has been doing pretty good developmentally lately. he went pee in the potty twice tonight (unfortunately he didn't head there on his own.. he started to pee and i took him to the potty to finish both times..) and the other day i was asking him to do something and he flat out told me "no".. most parents would probably be furious at that point but i was so excited that he responded verbally to me! that was the first time EVER!!!!!
Zach and i have been playing WoW together.. i feel really geeky admitting it but we have so much fun playing together it's kind of out little date every night. we've also been playing the wii a lot but zach isn't as in to it as i am!! i love that thing!!! i cant wait till we move back down to arizona and i can play with family!! (which reminds me-- cassy if you read this.. zach paid for xbox live back in february and we determined to play some sort of game with Brian but he doesn't know which games he plays or when he can play them.. so if you could help him out with that.. it would be great!!)
Monday, April 27, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009

We had a pretty laid back easter this year. Noah and Alex were up a lot the night before so we were all a little tired!! Zach spread out the easter eggs the night before in the living room and family room. and we had their baskets with just a couple little things in them waiting for them down stairs. Brayden wasn't interested in the easter eggs at all! he wanted his chocolate bunny and his squishy lizard and that was about it! noah wasn't too interested in the little eggs but he liked the big eggs! they had little matchbox cars in them and when we opened the first one he said "woah!!!!" then he quickly found the rest of them! those kept him entertained pretty much all day and he even had to take a shower with one last night! we got to skype with Zach's family and that was really neat! it was so fun to see the little ones and have the cousins see each other! the only downside to easter this year was the jehova's whitness lady that stayed for THREE hours.. nothing like some one telling you your beliefs are wrong on EASTER! ugh.. but it was alright! just wished i had brian around =)
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
bad at this blogging thing



All three boys!



All three boys!
Alright so it's been 4 months since my last entry.. time for an update right?!
Zach got home at the begining of January and we are SOOOOO glad to have him home! i hope he never has to be away from our family again. Since then he has been very busy with work and getting back in to the groove of family life!
Brayden is doing very well in school. he started an extended day at preschool so now he gets to have lunch with a kindegarten class and has recess with them. Then he gets about 30-45min of one on one therapy/work time with his teacher and then he has his old preschool schedule and comes home. they are working on matching right now.. we are matching pictures with other pictures and our goal is to match them with words some day so if he needs something and can't explain to us what it is he can grab a picture from his book and show us what he needs/wants. He is responding to verbal commands (like "go pick that up", or "get off the counter" lol) a lot better and we are very proud of the progress he is making! He loves school so much he brings us his back pack and jacket over the weekend like he is ready to go to school!
Noah is doing fabulous!! He is talking very well and has new words almost every day! he seems to really understand everything we are saying and that's very exciting! he is in love with his baby brother! He gives him hugs and kisses and tries to play with him! He is just starting that phase where they try to test their limits.... not so much fun. but he know's how to schmooze his way out of trouble!
Alex is 5 months old now and sitting up on his own! he has a beautiful smile and big blue eyes that just make me melt! he is quite the drama king though (much like noah).. he lets you know when he's not happy!!!! he wants to be playing with the big boys so much!! he is always reaching for them and cooing/squeeling at them! he loves his daddy to pieces and lives to see him smile at him and make goofy faces!! he hates bath time so its a good thing he's not a spitter upper!!
i have been increadably busy lately! not stressed.. just busy! i have been wanting to work more on photography lately.. i just lack time!! any way here are some recent pics of the boys!! maybe someday i'll actually get one with me and zach in it as well!!!
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