Monday, December 8, 2008
meet alex
Thursday, October 30, 2008
the rules: 1. link the person who tagged you and copy down the rules
2. share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself
3. tag 7 random people at the end of your post
4. leave a comment on their blog letting them know they've been tagged
Alrighty well as i said before Cassy tagged me and her blog is
1. i can't stand running the dishwasher when it's only half full.. i don't know why... i just don't like it!
2. i'm really weird about sandwhiches.. the only people i will let make me a sandwhich (other than a pb and j) is my mom and zach.. for some reason.. the thought of some one touching my lunch meat just skeeves me out.. i can't.. do it.. so forget subway.. NO thank you!
3. i don't mind changing poopy diapers.. it has never bothered me.. at all.. but vomit on the other hand.. if i never had to see it again.. that would be greeat!
4. i hate dora the explorer.. she gets on my nerves.. she shouts the WHOLE show and is pretty obnoxious..
5. i am more scared of spiders than i am of a bear... yeah.. pretty sad.. but pretty true.
6. i used to think buffulos were extinct... yup.. another sad but true fact.
7. toilet paper.. yeah.. the part you pull goes on top!!!!!
ok i tag Lindsay, Lindsey, Ashly, Debe, Amy, Joseph, and melanie =)
a little update!
Friday, October 24, 2008
14 months
Friday, October 10, 2008
34 week appointment
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Young Love
school picture!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
fun filled Saturday
Well i'll start off by saying my friend anna and her two little girls are staying with us right now! they just moved up here for her hubby to go to school and she is waiting to start her job in october! they have been a TON of fun!!!! her little girls and my boys just love each other and they have a blast playing together all the time! yesterday we went to Talkeetna and went to a river and to a park while we bug bombed the house (which didn't kill everything but it did an ok job.. those pesky fruit flies are practically invinsible!)! we had so much fun and took a bunch of pictures!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
physical therapy
Brayden had physical therapy for the second time today! he did great! they are working on his trunk muscles and evening out his muscletone in his legs! he gets to do all kinds of fun things! there is a small room that he gets to play with puzzles and musical toys while learning to use different positions to stretch out his muscles! There is also a gym full of all kinds of play equiptment they are using to practice balance and evening out muscle skills! Brayden loved it so much today he cried when we left =(! i'm glad he's enjoying it!!!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
first entry!